Welcome to Wyndham

Wyndham village is a small rural hamlet on Mount Darragh Road, in the Bega Valley Shire; 25 minutes inland from Pambula and 40 minutes from Bombala, situated in a pocket of farmland at the foot of the Monaro escarpment, with an altitude of 300 metres. The 25km section of winding mountain road, up to the 900 metre summit of Mount Darragh to the west, is a favourite of motorbike enthusiasts.
The village is set in beautiful country, steeped in Aboriginal and early European history and which includes the extensive South East Forests National Park and Egan Peaks Nature Reserve, including the impressive Jingera Rock monolith, which overlooks the town.

Wyndham Progress Association Inc.

A Local Community in Action
Wyndham Progress Association is a long-established incorporated group with the objective of working for the benefit of the local community. The Association has a successful history of achievement and continues to raise funds and promote facilities and activities benefiting the whole community and to work towards realising positive community outcomes.
Other community programs & projects include:
- Annual Citizenship Prize - primary school-student award
- Wyndham Whisper monthly newsletter
- Holy Trinity MOU – preserving heritage church as public-space.
- Memorial Park and playground - fundraising, refurbishment & maintenance
- Tennis court, sports ground, skatepark and reserves; maintenance and upgrades
- School of Arts Hall - monthly market, weekly yoga classes and dance school, and community events
- Sounds Connected - dances and film screenings
- Mataganah Riverside Reserve - Picnic area, walking tracks & riperian rehabilitation
- Fundraising and coordination of the Memorial Park upgrade project
Past programs & projects have included:
- Establishment of a community based potable town-water supply, now owned and operated by Wyndham Community Water Users Inc. (wyndham.water@gmail.com)
- Fundraising for and establishment of Wyndham sports ground
- Establishment of the Jingera View Lookout Picnic area and commemorative 'ancestral avenue'
- Provision of the Memorial Park gazebo and other park facilities.
- Wyndham Main-Streets program - provision of village retaining walls, gardens and tree-plantings